Postcolonial Love Poem - 除非獅子說出自己的故事,否則話語權永遠落在獵人的手上

書名:Postcolonial Love Poem

作者:Natalie Diaz

出版者:Graywolf Press

出版時間:March 2020

2021 年五月,加拿大卑斯省內陸小鎮,一所叫做 Kamloops Indian Residential School 被挖掘出 215 具孩童的屍體,年紀最小的只有三歲,而且多半被草草埋葬,連墓碑都被刻意拿掉,這樣專門給原住民孩童住宿的學校數量多得讓人心驚,幾乎都是和羅馬天主教廷合辦,很多孩童離家數百公里之遠,根本就是被迫和原生家庭分開,美其名是教化,實際上種族滅絕,這類慘劇在加拿大的有些省份,一直持續到 1990 年,最諷刺的是加拿大稱呼境內的原住民是第一民族 - First Nations.

因為受到上述新聞的震驚與心痛,我開始閱讀 2021 年普立茲文學獎詩歌類得主 Natalie Diaz 的詩集 - Postcolonial Love Poem, 過程中因為文化差異感覺讀起來特別吃力,有些地方要一讀再讀才能理解,但多數時候我很享受沈浸在她強烈的情感和魅惑的文字中.出生於美國加州的 Fort Mojave 原住民保留區的作者,除了寫作教書,還致力保護 Mojave 語言,雖然知道這是一件精衛填海的事.


一首叫做 American Arithmetic 的詩,她寫出原住民在美國是少數中的少數,就快要消失滅絕了: 

But in an American room of one hundred people,
I am Native American - less than one, less than whole - I am less than myself. Only a fraction of a body, let's say, I am only a hand.

I am begging: Let me be lonely but not invisible.


Natives have been called red forever,
I have never met a red Natives.

I live in the desert along a dammed blue river.The only red people I've seen are white tourist sunburned after staying out on the water too long.

她關心環境議題,特別是土地和逐漸稀少的水資源, The First Water is My Body: 

the river runs through the middle of our body,
the same way it runs through the middle of our land.

Do you think the water will forget what we have done? what we continue to do? 


關於愛情和慾望有一首詩寫得最為露骨 From the Desire Field:

Let me call my anxiety, desire, then
Let me call it, a garden 
beneath the hip and plow of my love,
then I am another night wandering the desire field.

最後一首詩 Grief Work, 作者從墨西哥女畫家 Frida Kahlo 寫給自己又愛又恨,糾纏一生的大畫家 Diego Rivera 的信中汲取靈感:

You could be called Auxocromo - the one who takes colour. I Cromoforo - the one who gives colour.

